Novel cellular therapies
Lydia Lee
Luis G. Rodríguez-Lobato, Niels Weinhold, Jürgen Kuball, Graeme Sullivan
November 25, 2023
The first presentation on Novel Targets (Luis G. Rodríguez-Lobato, Spain) discusses the requirements for the ideal tumor antigen, an in-depth presentation of the BCMA antigen and the acquired resistance to anti-BCMA TCE. The three subsequent talks are on NK cells, Macrophages, Fibroblasts (Prof Niels Weinhold, Germany), Harvesting the Therapeutic Potential of gdT (Prof Jürgen Kuball, Germany) and Immune Signalling at the Tumour: Bone Marrow Niche in Multiple Myeloma: a View to a Kill (Dr Graeme Sullivan, Ireland).
Novel Targets in Multiple Myeloma - Luis G. Rodríguez-Lobato
NK cells, macrophages, fibroblasts - Niels Weinhold
Harvesting the therapeutic potential of gdT cells for cancer immune therapies - Jürgen Kuball